Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog 10 - Defibrillator

This weekend I was helping my aunt and uncle pack because they are buying a new house, and then helped my family when we moved.  While going through all their belongings I found this old defibrillator in a box.  I asked my aunt about it and she said she got it when she used to be a nurse and never used it.  Assuming that it still works even though it hasn't been used in years, my aunt could shock someone back to life by using this device.  The defibrillator creates a voltage difference across a person by using the two metal panels, inside the defibrillator is a capacitor that stores a large amount of energy, and when she presses the button the energy would be released all at once and would shock the person.  While there are newer versions today, this defibrillator should still work because it contains all the necessary components.