Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blog 13 - Light

Looking at this picture you would think that this straw is being broken when it is put in front of the glass and into the water.  In reality this is not actually happening, because air, glass, and water all have different indecies of refraction, when light passes from one substance to another it seems as if it bends.  The amount that the light bends depends on the angle of incidence that the object is at and the difference between their indices of refraction.  In addition to making things appear to bend when light passes through them, you can also make things dissappear when they are placed in each other.  If two objects have the same indices of refraction, and are either the same color or one of them is clear then you will not be able to see a difference between the two objects, MAGICCCCCC!  Physics is PHUN!?