Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog #2

Sunday afternoon rolls around again, and as usual I have successfully procrastinated the whole weekend, in an attempt to have something to do for this assignment I simply dropped a tennis ball of my balcony, original isn't it?  As all things in free fall, the ball has projectile motion, as it falls down it accelerates at a constant rate of -9.8 m/s^2 due to gravity.  Due to gravity it has increasingly negative y velocity as it falls, but since it had no initial x velocity, when it hits the ground it has the same x velocity, 0.  This is because x velocity is constant throughout projectile motion because gravity only works in the vertical direction, not the horizontal.  For simplicities sake, I said that the ball had a initial x velocity of 0, but in reality because she slightly pushed it off the ledge, it did have a very small amount of initial x velocity, which explains why the ball fell in a parabola shape instead of a straight line, as the x velocity determines how far the object travels.  Well that's all for this week, time to start my homework.


  1. XD it fell in a half parabola ish :P How high's your balcony? Just curious XD

  2. I like your prose. Its very cynical. It was interesting and a good application of physics!

  3. Very interesting intro to your blog post :D Also, regarding the dropping of the ball, if your balcony is very high, the wind could have provided x acceleration to the ball while it was falling.
