Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog 6: Momentum

In this video the conservation of momentum is shown because the momentum of the first ball is transferred to the second ball once they collide.  Although the first and the second ball do not have the same kinetic energy (velocity) before and after the collision because energy is lost to friction and sound, the momentum of the of the total system is conserved throughout the collision. The mass of the two balls must be the same or very similar because they are the same size, same manufacturer and same material so mass is irrelevant in this example.  Therefore, the velocity of the first ball right before it hits the second ball must be equal to the velocity of second ball plus the first ball right after the collision because of conservation of momentum.  Physics is everywhere, even at McCully Bike.


  1. did you go there just to take this video?! its so blunt and to the point haha
