Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blog 12 - Rave Party Time

This Summer while I was in Europe for vacation, I went to many countries.  One of the countries I went to was England.  As England is the birthplace of dubstep, there are many raves every night in London.  Wanting to experience new things on my vacation, one night I decided to go to a rave.  Since the rave was so amazing and had dubstep playing all night, the decibel level at the underground warehouse was a dangerous 165 dB.  While you may be thinking that these levels of sound intensity may be dangerous, you are most definetely correct.  Raving until 3 in the morning, when I got back to the hotel I slept for the rest of the day.  However, when I awoke I had an unpleasent surprise.  I COULDNT HEAR ANYTHING!  Freaking out thinking that my amazing night of raving had left me deaf for the rest of my life, I cried in a corner until I fell asleep.  However when I awoke the next day, I was ecstatic when I heard the birds outside the window chirping me into another wonderful day of my European vacation.  The most important thing I learned from my time in Europe was to never rave while your party timer clock is set to ATOM PARTY!  Just like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, your ear drums will be completely devastated by the atomic bomb of Dubstep dropped upon them by last night's DJ.

P.S. This is Fiction

P.S.S I don't actually rave so don't ask me about this


P.S.S.S.S Strobe light cuties.

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